We've always made a point of giving back to the community in a variety of ways, donating time and money to charitable organizations and people in need.

Attawapiskat water crisis (Donated food, water and $500 donation)

Project Love (Disinfected their facility once a week for a month and donated cordless foggers)
Living Space (Donated water, and $500)
Article: https://www.minesafetysolutions.ca/blogs/news/mine-safety-company-raising-cash-for-living-space
Article: https://www.timminstoday.com/local-news/mine-safety-company-raising-cash-for-living-space-1267409 

Timmins Fire Dept. (Donated masks)

Timmins High and Vocational School (Donated masks)

Rehab Plus (Donated masks)

Tahoe (Donated MSS safety gloves for their Mine Rescue competition in Russia)
Article: https://www.sudburyminingsolutions.com/news/mine-safety-solutions-aims-to-reduce-hand-injuries-1606098

Terry Lemaire (Sponsoring Terry)

Climb N Fun (Disinfect)

Let’s work together so we can give back to the community! If you're interested please email me Anthony@MineSafetySolutions.ca